it’s been too long

one thing that happens when a stay-at-home mom goes back to work is that certain facets of life suffer…this blog, for instance, has received very little love since my return to the workforce a little over 3 months ago.  so let’s see if i can quickly catch you up…

first, work is good.  coming back to work was scary.  i mean, i’ve been at home with my babies for 4.5 years.  as it turns out, it’s kind of fun to actually get dressed every morning in clothes that have zippers and buttons.  i love my sweatpants just as much as the next girl, but real clothes?  i’m rediscovering my love for them (much to my bank account’s dismay).

the girls have adjusted to their new schedule, and there aren’t even any tears when i drop them off at school now.  it’s hard finding a place where you feel comfortable leaving your babies, and it is such a blessing to have them in a facility where they are loved and cared for.  and the fact that they love being there?  such a bonus!

in other news, christmas is coming.  our shopping is finished.  wrapping is another story and probably won’t get done until christmas eve.  and i’m okay with that.  the girls are excited about santa coming.  leslie is asking for a fairy playset and a pillow pet.  lucy’s hoping for a baby doll in a stroller.  i think santa will come through for both of them.  even though this was lucy’s reaction to meeting the jolly old man:

poor lucy.  when she’s 16 and goes to her first prom, she’ll be really sad that her mommy hung on to this picture!

so there’s a quick update on the forston house.  more to come after the holidays…wishing you and yours lots of love this holiday season!

stay warm!

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